in the world it is possible to mark/copy/paste text.
works in Alaska, in Timbuktu and on the Marshall islands, and it
works on systems such as pre-Win7, Android, Linux, iOS, SunOS or
Robotron's SCP.
it does not work is in the „help“ menues and „settings“ of
Win10. Here it is impossible to copy a single word of their very cryptic, paranoid instructions into the dashboard.
Such as if these were all copyright-protected verses of the highest
poetic quality.
is wondering if the whole confusion in Win10 does not result from the
developer team failing to use a common language. One is reminded of a
Babylonian chaos of inconsistent terminology. Why in the Win10
instructions for instance they sometimes refer to Data storage
devices („Datenträger“), sometimes to disk-drives („Laufwerke“).
the Settings („Einstellungen“) there is a similar chaos. If you
go to „Back-up system“ and „Recover sytem“ they recommend
doing a reinstallation and „...sometimes it is usefull to reinstall
from a system recovery image („System-Abbild“)“. If you try to
find out how to produce this „system recovery image“ by simply
put the term in the search window, you are left with „this term was
not found“.
is it possible, for instance, that a new OS like Win10 passes all
internal testings of MS developers while it consistently shows
important pop-up windows always hidden between all other status
windows ? This is like the Mafia, handing over the bribery money
wrapped in a yesterdays newspaper.
in gods name has MS decided to remove the important „checking disk
drive for errors“ from the system maintenance menues ? It is deeply
hidden now, only to be found by multiple clicking through file
manager, drive properties, tools. Maybe Win10 does not like the
„checking disk drive for errors“ command, because after
installing Win10 on a complete error-free, virgin drive, suddenly
some default sectors appear. Funny, in the past the OS where so
clever to repair defect sectors on the drive during or prior to the
installation. But only Win10 is doing the masterpiece and causing new
hard-drive errors during its installation.
are hundreds more of such sever issues that got worse when you
upgrade from Win 7 to Win 10. Instead making functionallity more
stable and robust and more logic, the facial design of the system
(the facade, I would call it) received so much attention from the
developers, that I ask myself if they are mainly graduates from
„Media design schools“ rather than real IT developers.
patience with and my loyality to Microsoft more and more reaches its
limits. In the past, with every upgrade I used to test in parallel an
alternative OS. When I had to replace my first smart-phone (running
Windows Mobile) I tried in parallel a (than still novel) Android
phone. Meanwhile, I can not remember having switched on the
WindowsPhone for ages any more, because its continous instability and
freezing caused me too much headache.
5 years ago, while upgrading my desktop and laptop from XP to Win7, I
already thought to give Linux a trial (as a dual boot OS in parallel
with Win7). This was a wise decision, since everytime Win7 got
stalled with no reasonable error message or alternatively hundreds of
error messages accumulating in the „system event-log“ over month,
without ever causing any day-to-day problem, I could quickly switch
to Linux, by pulling the power-plug of the PC and opting for reboot
to Linux-Debian OS. Useless to mention, of course, that Linux OS
allows access to all the drives on the machine, including all the
Windows drives. Can you imagine that from Microsofts XP/Win7/Win10
the file-manager would give you any hint that there are other drive
volumes that belong to a non-Windows OS ?
really became more and more aggressive against interfacing with non
MS systems. If you dare to opt-out of the Microsoft Edge browser in
Win10, at almost every webpage you open by using Firefox or Chrome
you are reminded by little „info pop-ups“ that Edge would be the
faster/better/sexier browser. And without having proper evidence, at
least my gut-feeling tells me that Win10 artificially slows down data
transfer as soon as it recognises that the user works with an non-MS
does Microsoft thinks that by fixed installation of a XBox command in
the Win10 start menue, or by re-installing kids computer games or
shooter games, or by pre-instalation of their own Xing-network, they
could get someone like me buying any of this crap ?
Win10 asked me to set-up and log-in to a personal Microsoft online
account („ help me getting the best safety and update
information for my new PC....“ LoL !!!!) I quckly recognized I was
simply redirected to a Microsoft supermarket. There was zero
information about the PC on which I just had upgraded to Win10, let
alone any possibility to get update drivers or security packs.
Instead there were all sorts of the latest useless MS products:
Windows phones, Microsofts arm bracelets, Surface lap-tops, Xboxes.
All with quick-buy and easy-credit options.
summary I have got the feeling that Win10 is the helpless, but
all-to-obvious attempt of Microsoft to hedge its former dominance in
the software industry from the worldwide switch to alternative
platforms. Apart from the Apple community (which is limitted to
professional iOS users in design and research and to the large number
iPhone-users in the West), Android becomes a more and more robust
competitor, not only on mobile devices, but on linking all
entertainment and household applications and data integration.
Linux and the whole GNU software world becomes more and more
accessible also for computer users without a strong IT background. At
work we feel a better and growing support from the IT department and
from the financial department to switch to open office, to free- or
shareware graphics solutions (GIMP) or mail- and teamware products
(Zimbra), a massive shift away from the former Microsoft dominance
with programs such as Office, Outlook, or Publisher.
is hard to believe that in a field that is so competitive as IT,
where young, flexible and innovative developers come up with creative
solutions every day in the software engineering offices of Google and
Apple or in the freelance Linux communities, a dinosaur ier such as
Microsoft can regain ground simply by cosmetic operations on its
outer face, or by rediculous attempts to blind its customers from
seeing or testing alternatives.