Dear visitor (if there is any) please note the following: The blog "Broken Radius" is hosted at Google Blogger's server. I can therefore not guarantee that your visit to the blog or any comment you write wont be recorded by the NSA. If you have any worries about this, you can visit instead my alternative blog Letters-to-a-Persian-Cat. This one is hosted at a European server which hopefully acknowledges visitors privacy.


Google finds us, even if we try to hide !!!

Ghazal my Dear,

Did you had a nice Sunday. Hope you discovered some exciting new subjects from the books or papers you read. I would be very keen to share what you read. I like very much to learn from you about some new developments, like recently about the UV-induced melanin regulation. (Today in the mountains I tried my best to protect from the strong UV in high altitude waering a huge hat and sun glasses).

Write me that you are happy, this will make me happy as well.

Enjoy the evening, the night and your dreams.


hi michael,

did not discover a lot of new information. just tried to write down some about chernobyl for my thesis. im not quite sure about what i should have in the thesis. i put up some subjects to write about, but dont know if it is enough or maybe not necessary.
but UV is good also, to get vitamin D or something. so everything is good in a normal amount. but its best to protect yes.

have a good night and see you tomorrow.

ooh, for the homepage, persian-cat. could you make it private? because if you search for my name on google you will find it on the first page.
thank you



Hi Ghazal, my Dear,

Nice to hear from you.

I"ll give you some stuff about the motivation for the Thyroid Project tomorrow, so you might use it as "raw material".

I"m very sorry with the blog having risked your privacy. I tried to avoid any hint for outsiders to identify you. I simply forgot to remove your family name from one entry. I removed it now right away. Sorry again for this. I will check tomorrow if Google still finds the blog by searching your name.

Sleep well, don"t worry my Dear.


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